HOC - Introduction

Manusia pada dasarnya adalah makhluk holistic (utuh) yang tidak hanya terdiri dari aspek fisik tetapi juga aspek-aspek non-fisik, yaitu aspek sosial, psikologis dan spiritual.

Holistic Care merupakan salah satu bagian dari Siloam Hospitals yang memberikan pelayanan dalam bentuk konseling bagi pasien, keluarga pasien, dan staf rumah sakit untuk memberikan dukungan secara psiko-sosial dan spiritual.

HOC - Whole Person Medicine

Whole Person Medicine is an approach to healthcare that considers the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of patients. It recognizes that these aspects of a person are interconnected and influence each other, and that addressing them together can lead to better health outcomes.

HOC - Ministry of Presence

Ministry of presence is the exercise of caring presence, an interpersonal, intersubjective human experience of connection within a chaplain-other person relationship that makes it safe for sharing oneself with another.

HOC - Spiritual Assessement

A spiritual assessment is an in-depth look at patient’s spiritual makeup with the goal of identifying potential areas of spiritual concern and determining an appropriate treatment plan.